I was in my room and Macy came in and as usual she went right for my big chair. She likes everything off when she sits on it. I always have a blanket and sometimes a sweater or a coat on there too. So she throws them on the floor. However tonight my camera bag was there too. She started to pick it up and I saw in her eyes the need to throw it on the floor so I hurried and grabbed it and put it away. She said "NO, TAKE MY PICTURE!" So I got it out and was going to take it and she said "NO, USE THAT ONE!" and pointed to my tripod. So I used it. She started to do different poses and said cheese for a while. Then she started to say. "No, don't take my picture" and started to cover her eyes. It was pretty funny. Then she wanted to take my picture. So I gave her my camera and she took a lot of pictures. The ones that she thought were the funniest were of her feet. Thankfully after several minutes my batteries died.
Most of these are blurry but I thought they were funny.

This is the beginning pose she did.

Then she started sticking out her tongue. So I encouraged her to do it again and took this.

She started saying cheese. It was so intense she made this face.

This is where she started to say stop.