by Oliver
Friday morning we loaded up the trunk full of camping gear and headed south on I-15 even though we still hadn't decided excatly where we were going. I had Friday off from School, so Megan took the day off and we headed south. I was getting bummed from the last few weeks of stormy fall weather and decided we needed to get some sun.
Usually on road trips, we are on the way to visit someone or someplace specific and I try to get us there with as few stops as possible. This time however we had no where to go and plenty of time to get there.
We stopped first at Filmore, the kids needed to get out and run around a bit, and we had never seen the old state capitol building even though we had passed Filmore several dozen times. So I pulled off and drove through town following the signs....and all the sudden we were on the other side of Filmore and no capitol building! Some how we passed right by it. So we stopped at some little park instead and the kids ran around a bit.
We took off south again and ended up in St. George. One of the places on our list of possible stops was Snow Canyon. After getting some last minute things at Walmart in St. George, we followed signs up hwy 18 through Ivans and found the entrance to the state park at Snow Canyon. The campsites were all full though so the ranger gave us directions to Gulock state park. About 15 or so miles further west.
Gunlock state park is about 3 feet wide and consists of a boat dock and a few picnic tables. When we pulled in there wasn't another person in view. We set up our campsite, ate some tin-foil dinners and roasted marshmallows. This is getting kind of long so I'll try to wrap it up.
We had a crazy night with the wind almost blowing our tent over several times and kids ending up not sleeping in their pack-and-plays. It was still too windy in the morning and our stove kept blowing out so we didn't get to cook our pancakes and eggs. In spite of a few random annoyances, we were so excited to be out in desert of southern Utah on an adventure to let anything ruin our spirits. We followed some back country roads through Washington and Iron counties, at some "famous" pie in Veyo, found the Meadow Massacre site, saw a lot of beautiful country, birds, and a few crazy hunters. We made it back in town in time to watch the 2nd half of the football game. What a great weekend. Thanks Megan and boys for the fun times!
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