Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Home

So, we moved. In case you didn't know. Here are a few pictures.
 Make shift meal on top of boxes in our now "old" house.
 Beth I bet has better pictures, but while we stayed at the Creek house, she put together an Olympics for the kids.

 There it is.
 The "front" door.
 The "back" door. View from the back of the house toward the front.
 Our very own washer & dryer!
 Oliver put up his hummingbird feeder and we found out just how many there are in the area(he bought a second feeder within two days.)
 Our happy visitors! Thanks for coming!
 A beautiful gift for our backyard.
 Another recent acquisition. Ryan fell asleep on it in Walmart so we thought we should buy it.
Borrowed our neighbor's mower to mow our cute little yard.


  1. Thanks for sharing your move-in photos. Wished I could have been there to help. Look forward to seeing you all this Friday. Grampa Gil

  2. Hooray for mowing your own lawn.
