Tuesday, November 10, 2009

macy's Halloween

Macy had a fun time going trick or treating. She was Angelina Ballerina. By the end of the night she understood she had to say "trick or treat" and then the nice person at the door would give her candy. She was funny when the person at the door would let her choose candy because she would take forever picking which candy to have.
We had a fun time riding four wheelers at our friend's cabin. It was a fun relaxing weekend and we learned how to play a new card game.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thanksgiving Break

I'm so excited for Thanksgiving Break. Its just two weeks away. Grandma here I come. My roommate is coming with me. So we are driving down Saturday the 21st and dropping a roommate off at the airport and then continuing down to Vegas. She has never been before so I'm showing her the sites. It has been a really long and stressful semester. And it is coming at the right time for me. My show has to be done before I leave. Because I can hang it the day we get back. I do have three days to hang it so if I need to print one more picture that will be ok. And my printmaking assignment that I'm doing right now will be finished by then. Most of my portrait class assignments will be done. So after Thanksgiving the only thing left (which is still a lot) will be my last printmaking piece which I have to make an edition of (one for everyone in my class so we can have a print swap which I'm really excited about); My portfolio and my executive style portrait for my Portrait class; My final book for Book Arts (which I'm hoping to work on during Thanksgiving); my business plan and video for my Business class and maybe buy a new outfit for my open house reception for my BFA. But that will be fun homework that I gave myself. This semester is flying by. Less than 40 days until graduation. And no I still don't have a clue at what I'm doing after. I had tithing settlement yesterday and my Bishop was talking to me about graduation. I said that college doesn't prepare you for after. It doesn't help you make decisions. He agreed. College doesn't even let you pick which classes to take. It's four years (or more for most) of schedules set for you. Then they let you loose and I don't know what to do.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Missing one

Thanks for visiting us, Chelsea & Macy! We just needed Toby and it would have been one happy set of squished Hansen cousins. (Macy is smiling under there...Evan was a little cranky, but he moved from the cutest position of all three on Oliver's lap when I walked in the door). Don't we have a great family(as in the whole Hansen clan)?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Family Time

We were privileged to have Mom for the last few weeks and Beth joined the party for the weekend. We spent some time at the Red Barn of Southridge Farms in Santaquin, then traveled down to Mona to the Young Living Family Farm. Later Beth came with Ryan and me while we knocked on the doors in my buildings for trick or treating and ended the night with some Olive Garden. From my perspective, it was the best day ever because there was no crowds, no lines, no waiting for anything and we had great company and lots of smiles. Here's some proof.
Dad, can I have some more apple cider slush?
Beth chasing the boys who each have a mind of their own.
They are so much alike, both enjoying the little pond.
Grandma with her babies before going to visit the newest baby.
Evan showing off his huge grin even though I was far away.

We had to go visit the "wild, do not feed or pet" animals.

All in all, a great day!