Friday, August 31, 2012

2012 Family photos

Hooray for having time to lock myself in my room and edit photos.  Here are our family pictures. Ten points to anyone who can correctly guess how many layers used to make our group picture. I think next time we should just take the group one and then try the family ones a different day so the kids aren't so cranky.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Pioneer Day

 Hooray for the Pioneers and our Pioneer ancestors. It is still a little weird to me and I think just about everyone else in this family that this is a holiday- because it's a Utah thing. But since I've been living in Utah for a while I embraced the holiday this year and roped Olie and Megan into it as well. We-(mostly Oliver and Megan- I didn't do a thing except tell them to make it haha) made dump cake. And then we watched Craig fulfill his grandpa duties and put on a firework show for us.

Ryan loves Craig and followed him around all day

It was fun that Stacey and her little girls spend a few days with us at the Creek House.


We even had a crows of neighborhood kids come to watch

Thanks to Grandma for letting us always crash her house and Thanks to Craig for the fireworks.


Per dad's request I'm finally getting around to going through some of the photos that I took this summer. Here is some from our visit to the Dino Museum. The kids seemed to like it.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Beth!

I know its not your birthday today, but I thought some of your family that didn't get to celebrate with you would like to see what you did.
Beth wanted to...
Go to the zoo!!
 I believe that Beth's favorite part of the zoo was this adorable little elephant. We sat and watched him..or in the water for a good long while and then stopped and watched again at the end of the afternoon.
 I think we got a picture with all of the animal statues...except one was super hot, I don't remember which one...
 We found a fun little cultural area to cool off in. Ryan learned how to use chopsticks and banged on the drum while Evan played with the cushions.
 Ryan walking with Grandma.
 Ryan walking with Beth.
 Being eagles in the eagle's nest.
 Proof of the newest polar bear exhibit. and another statue.
Then thanks to cell phones and the internet, we found a cupcake shop to celebrate with some cake. Yum.
We love you Beth. Thanks for wanting to share your special day with us. It made our day even better.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Home

So, we moved. In case you didn't know. Here are a few pictures.
 Make shift meal on top of boxes in our now "old" house.
 Beth I bet has better pictures, but while we stayed at the Creek house, she put together an Olympics for the kids.

 There it is.
 The "front" door.
 The "back" door. View from the back of the house toward the front.
 Our very own washer & dryer!
 Oliver put up his hummingbird feeder and we found out just how many there are in the area(he bought a second feeder within two days.)
 Our happy visitors! Thanks for coming!
 A beautiful gift for our backyard.
 Another recent acquisition. Ryan fell asleep on it in Walmart so we thought we should buy it.
Borrowed our neighbor's mower to mow our cute little yard.