Thursday, September 8, 2011

Trip to Logan

It was good to see Gramma & Grampa, Beth, Charlie, Chelsea, Macy & Andrea altogether even if just for a few hours last Saturday. I'm glad it happened and thanks to Beth for showing us around her new campus.
I'm glad these two are friends. A trust test...what Grampa didn't see, are those ever watching eyes on his right.
Ryan had to try it out on Macy.
A fun new phone meant that we got updates on the first football games of the season.
Evan loves his Beth.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My little girl is 4 years old!!

Pirate Kiddos!! These are my two favorite girls in the whole world!!
Macy's 4th Birthday Party. We rented this fun jump house. It was a pirate party. Macy had a fun time. So did the other kids.